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Slovenski čebelarji se zelo dobro zavedamo pomembnosti ohranjanja čistega in zdravega okolja, saj že vsaka najmanjša sprememba v njem lahko zelo hitro vpliva na naravo, kar med prvimi občutijo naše čebele in ostali opraševalci. Zaradi tega se je Čebelarska zveza Slovenije (ČZS) odločila, da naredi odločnejši korak in prevzame pobudo za zmanjševanje negativnega vpliva na okolje zaradi toplogrednih plinov, za katere smo vsi odgovorni. Čebelarji že dolga leta spodbujamo sajenje medovitih rastlin preko sodelovanja z občinami. Številne občine so podprle predlog ČZS in ob rojstvu otrok podarjajo staršem medovita drevesa, prav tako pa smo vse občine prosili, da svoje parkovne površine pokosijo, ko rože odcvetijo. Želimo, da naše prihodnje generacije prav tako užijejo vse lepote, ki nam jih nudi Zemlja, zato začenjamo s projektom "Dan sajenja medovitih rastlin«. Čebelarji gremo odločno od besed k dejanjem!
Več o nadaljevanju in aktivnosti projekta pa na povezavi.
Slovenian beekeepers have a high awareness of the importance of clean and healthy natural environment, because we know that even the smallest changes in the ecosystem can quickly affect it, which is felt first by our honey bees and other pollinators. Because of this, the Beekeepers’ Association of Slovenia (ČZS) has decided to take an important step forward and has decided to take initiative for lowering negative environmental impacts due to greenhouse gas emissions, which are produced by all of us and helping pollinators, by planting new bee forage plants and trees. The Beekeepers’ Association of Slovenia has been encouraging the planting of honey trees and plants, among other projects also with a joint project with Slovenian municipalities. Many of them have supported our suggestion to gift the new parents honey trees on the birth of their child. Additionally, we have suggested that municipalities do not mow public meadows and grass until the flowers have finished blooming, with good results. We want our future generations to be able to enjoy the beauty of nature, which is the reason behind our initiative »Day of planting honey plants«. With this project, Slovenian beekeepers will move from words to actions.
More about the continuation and activities of the project can be found at the link.
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