IMYB 2023
12. Mednarodno srečanje mladih čebelarjev bo letos potekalo v Sloveniji
Čebelarski zvezi Slovenije je bila s strani Mednarodnega centra mladih čebelarjev, ki deluje na Češkem in ga vodi predsednik in čebelar Jiří Píza, podeljena kandidatura za izvedbo Mednarodnega srečanja mladih čebelarjev leta 2023 (International meeting of young beekeepers, v nadaljevanju IMYB). ČZS, ki je nosilec organizacije, bo tekmovanje bo organizirala od 3. do 7. julija 2023. Tekmovanje organizira v sodelovanju z občino Ivančna Gorica, saj bo večji del dejavnosti (sprejem, nastanitev, odprtje, tekmovalni del, prostočasni program, zaključek) potekal na območju občine, ogled Slovenije pa tudi na širšem področju izven občine. Prehodni pokal IMYB, ki ga prejme vsakokratna država gostiteljica je že v kraju soorganizatorja. Dne 22. 12. 2022 je predsednik ČZS Boštjan Noč pokal predal županu občine Ivančna Gorica Dušanu Strnadu, kjer bo počakal na čas tekmovanja.
Mednarodno srečanje mladih čebelarjev je v osnovi tekmovalni dogodek (mednarodno tekmovanje), ki poteka že od leta 2010 in mladi čebelarji iz Slovenije že od vsega začetka tekmujejo na njem. S polnim tekmovalnim programom je nazadnje potekal leta 2019 na Slovaškem z 29 državami udeleženkami. Leta 2022 pa je potekal na Češkem v poenostavljeni družabni obliki krajšega srečanja. Zaradi covida je IMYB v letih 2020 in 2021 času odpadel. V Sloveniji bo tako leta 2023 potekalo dvanajsto zaporedno srečanje, na katerem si želimo gostiti do 40 držav udeleženk, kar bi bilo največ, odkar poteka tekmovanje. Vsako državo zastopa ekipa treh tekmovalcev, mladih čebelarjev, starih od 12 do 18 let, ki jih spremljata do dve odrasli osebi, praviloma sta to čebelarja in mentorja ekipe. V tekmovalnem delu so tekmovalci, pomešani v mednarodne ekipe, soočeni s cca. 15 čebelarskimi izzivi, kjer morajo prikazati čebelarsko znanje in spretnosti po različnih sklopih/delavnicah (označevanje matic, poznavanje čebelarskega orodja, pisni test, prepoznavanje različnih vrst medov, medovite rastline, anatomija čebele, zbijanje in žičenje satnikov, točenje medu itd.). Najvišji doseženi rezultat za Slovenijo je kot nacionalna ekipa 5. mesto, najvišja uvrstitev med posamezniki je 2. mesto, pri mešanih mednarodnih ekipah pa so tekmovalci iz Slovenije že večkrat dosegli 1. mesto.
V času izven tekmovalnega dela IMYB se odvija več stvari, npr. medsebojno spoznavanje in druženje udeležencev, predstavitve držav s kulturnim programom, mednarodna konferenca na temo dela z mladimi v čebelarstvu, kjer mentorji izmenjajo izkušnje in primere dobrih praks dela z mladimi. Na ta način se med mladimi iz različnih držav spletajo prijateljstva, med odraslimi pa poteka mreženje, ki pripomore k razvoju čebelarstva, za kar je vzgoja mlajših generacij čebelarjev ključnega pomena. Pomembno je tudi slovesno odprtje tekmovanja s procesijo udeležencev in izobešanjem zastav vseh držav udeleženk ter zaključna prireditev, kjer so razglašeni rezultati tekmovanja ter podeljene medalje, pokali in plakete za najboljšo mešano mednarodno ekipo, najboljšo narodno ekipo in najboljše tekmovalce.
Velik del vmesnega programa je namenjen ogledom znamenitosti države gostiteljice. Slovenija ima, kot država, v kateri je čebelarstvo, kot nesnovna kulturna dediščina s strani UNESCA, priznano za način življenja, pokazati mnogo znamenitosti ter naravnih lepot. Poleg Hiše kranjske čebele in drugih zanimivosti na območju občine, bodo obiskali tudi prestolnico Ljubljano ter Čebelarski center Slovenije na Brdu pri Lukovici. Organizacija IMYB 2023 v Sloveniji predstavlja odličen način njene promocije.
Marko Borko, svetovalec za izobraževanje in svetovanje
Ivančna Gorica, Slovenia, 3rd July – 7th July 2023
Dear beekeeping friends,
We are pleased to invite you to the International meeting of young beekeepers IMYB 2023. After difficult period of covid pandemic and eleven successful IMYB events so far, it is now possible to experience Slovenia for the first time in 2023. Slovenia is a homeland of Carniolan honeybee, land of good beekeepers and where first world bee day celebration took place.
The 12th meeting will be held in the municipality of Ivančna Gorica. The event will take place at the School centre of Ivančna Gorica. Accommodation and meals will be provided by the nearby Cistercian Abbey Stična which is the oldest and functioning monastery in Slovenia (1132 AD).
The aim of the event is to raise a generation of young beekeepers who can follow in the footsteps of their more experienced colleagues, and to help these young people grow fond of this independent profession so beneficial for the whole society. To achieve this, it is essential to gain the necessary knowledge and skills of keeping and understanding bees.
The event combines a competition for young participants with a rich cultural and social program, which enables them to meet other young people who share the same interests. We believe the meeting in Ivančna Gorica will continue in the good traditions of previous meetings and that it will attract up to 40 participating countries from all over the world hopefully making it the biggest world meeting of young beekeepers so far.
Registration and participation fee
To prepare the event in the best possible way, we ask you to confirm your national team’s participation and fill out the IMYB SLOVENIA 2023 REGISTRATION FORM by 15th February 2023 via online IMYB 2023 registration form. You will access the online registration form through this link.
We ask you to pay the participation fee of 1000 EUR by 28th February 2023.
IMYB 2023 conditions of participation
• Timely country registration via the online Registration form by 15th February;
• Payment of the participation fee of 1000 EUR by 28th February 2023;
• Countries running a participants selection process on a national level will be given preference;
• Once the registration is finished, we will get in touch with the country contact person.
• Despite the great interest in this event, our accommodation capacities only allow us to accept up to 40 participating countries. The list of the countries will be published on the website.
• Each team consists of 3 young people aged 12 to 18. A team member must not turn 18 during the event. Maximum number of competitors is three. Four or more competitors are not allowed to come to IMYB 2023 for organisational reasons and rules of the competition itself!
• Each team is accompanied by 1 or 2 adult person(s), who will be responsible for the team members during the whole stay. Maximum number of accompanying adults is two. Three or more accompanying adults are not allowed to come to IMYB 2023 for organisational reasons!
• Teams represent their respective countries during the whole competition.
Competition tasks
The competition comprises following disciplines: theoretical knowledge test, microscopy, beekeeping tools identification, assembling a beehive, assembling a comb frame, honey extraction, honey recognition, bee plant identification, alternative pollinators, queen bee marking, grafting larvae, other beekeeping tasks and a special regional discipline.
International teams will be formed, will compete and will be evaluated. Results will be displayed for international teams, countries and individuals.
Sporting, cultural and social events as well as trips to interesting parts of the region and a conference for adults will be included. We will do our best to prepare an exciting and varied program.
The official language at this event will be English. The competition tasks will be translated into the participating countries’ languages.
The venue for the competition and accommodation
Accommodation address: Cistercian Abbey Stična, Stična 17, SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica, Slovenia
Competition address: School centre of Ivančna Gorica, Cesta občine Hirschaid 1, SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica, Slovenia
Nearest airports
• Ljubljana Jože Pučnik airport, »Ljubljana (LJU)«
• Zagreb Franjo Tuđman airport, Croatia, »Zagreb (ZAG)«
Highway: Ljubljana airport – Ivančna Gorica (61 km), Zagreb airport – Ivančna Gorica (122 km) the organiser will arrange a shuttle transfer from both airports to Ivančna Gorica.
• Board and lodging costs as well as costs related to the program for participants and accompanying persons are covered by Slovenian organizers.
• Participants cover only travel expenses for flying to the nearest airport (Ljubljana or Zagreb), driving by car/bus/train to Ivančna Gorica and pay the participation fee of 1000 EUR per country. Bank commission costs are covered by participants and should not be deducted from this amount.
• Please pay the participation fee by 28th February 2023 to the following bank account:
Recipient name: Čebelarska zveza Slovenije
Recipient address: Brdo pri Lukovici 8, 1225 Lukovica, Slovenija
Payment purpose: Participation fee + name of your country (e.g., Participation fee Czech Republic)
Participation fee: 1000,00 EUR
IBAN: SI56 0318 6100 2214 727
Reference number: SI00-03072023
Bank name: SKB
Bank address: Ajdovščina 4, 1513 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Contact persons
Slovenian beekeepers’ association: Marko Borko,, +386 51 637 204, +386 1 729 61 11,
Municipality of Ivančna Gorica: Maja Lampret:, +386 31 843 900,
Information about the event can be found at
Let us cordially invite you to 12th IMYB in Ivančna Gorica, Slovenia!
Yours faithfully,
RNDr. Jiří Píza, ICYB Chair,
Boštjan Noč, SBA president
Dušan Strnad, mayor of municipality of Ivančna Gorica